At OGCI we recognize the significant impact that digital technologies have on the environment and society. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have developed this Digital Sustainability Policy to outline our approach to minimizing the ecological footprint of our digital operations. This policy applies to all aspects of our digital infrastructure, products, and services.

Energy Efficiency

Hardware and Infrastructure

a. We will prioritize the use of energy-efficient hardware and infrastructure components when selecting cloud computing products, vendors and solutions.

b. We will regularly assess our supply chain to ensure energy consumption is optimized across our digital infrastructure, by ensuring use of power management features, virtualization, and energy-efficient cooling systems.

c. We will purchase corporate laptops from manufacturers leveraging climate-conscious materials such as recycled aluminium and plastics to achieve a longer lifespan than other laptop choices.

Software and Applications

a. We will invest in a cloud-first system architecture approach, to reduce carbon emissions and facilitate sustainable innovation.

b. We will encourage the use of power-saving features and settings in our software and applications to reduce energy usage during operation.

c. We will monitor and control our printing across all offices by leveraging secure print-release mechanisms and enforcing double sided printing as default.

Renewable Energy

a. We will strive to ensure our cloud supply chain leverages renewable energy sources whenever feasible.

b. We will collaborate with our partners to ensure they have a clear commitment to renewable energy use and work towards transitioning to sustainable power sources.

c. We will monitor and report upon our cloud carbon emissions impact where information is collated and provided by our cloud partners.

Lifecycle Management

Electronic Waste

a. We will follow best practices for the disposal and recycling of electronic waste generated by our digital operations, in compliance with applicable regulations and standards.

b. We will promote the reuse, refurbishment, or donation of electronic equipment whenever possible, extending its useful life and reducing waste.

c. We will facilitate a sustainability report on all IT assets securely disposed of, and ensure a 0% to landfill policy is practised.

Sustainable Procurement

a. We will consider environmental factors, including energy efficiency, carbon footprint, and recyclability, when selecting digital products, services, and suppliers.

b. We will collaborate with suppliers and service providers who demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

b. We will strive to track our logistics-based carbon footprint and minimize our impact where possible, ensuring consolidation and shipment of regional packages together through customs before re-distributing them.

Data Management and Security

Data Privacy

a. We will handle personal data and sensitive information in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, ensuring secure storage, transmission, and processing.

Data Minimization

a. We will implement practices and technologies that optimize data storage and processing, reducing the overall volume of data collected, stored and retained.

Awareness and Education

Employee Training

  1. We will provide regular training and awareness programs to our employees, promoting sustainable practices in their digital activities and encouraging them to adopt energy-saving measures.

Stakeholder Engagement

  1. We will engage with our stakeholders, including customers, partners, and suppliers, to raise awareness about our digital sustainability initiatives and collaborate on shared environmental goals.

Continuous Improvement

Performance Monitoring

  1. We will establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and monitor our digital sustainability efforts regularly.
  2. We will conduct periodic assessments and audits to identify areas for improvement and take appropriate actions to enhance our digital sustainability performance.

Innovation and Research

  1. We will invest in research and development to explore innovative technologies and practices that further advance digital sustainability.

Compliance and Review


  1. We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards related to digital sustainability and environmental protection.

Policy Review

  1. We will review and update this Digital Sustainability Policy periodically to ensure its relevance and alignment with the evolving needs and best practices in digital sustainability.
  2. By implementing this Digital Sustainability Policy, we commit ourselves to minimize the environmental impact of our digital operations and contribute to a sustainable and responsible digital future.