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Oil and Gas Climate Initiative

Net zero solutions

Achieving the deep emission cuts needed to reach net zero requires a transformation in the way energy is produced and consumed. That calls for many different solutions and low-carbon technologies. There is no single solution. 

OGCI focuses on building and strengthening the foundations to enable this transition to happen as smoothly and quickly as possible. We:  

  • Provide practical, actionable analysis underpinned by data to help decarbonize oil and gas operations.
  • Find solutions to decarbonize transport, leveraging our members’ extensive expertise producing and supplying reliable transport fuels.
  • Work on the important role that natural climate solutions could play to complement decarbonization of the energy sector.
A picture taken from below some chimneys at an oil facility, looking upwards towards the sky.

Roadmap to decarbonize refining

OGCI reports shows:

  • Decarbonizing the refinery sector will be important to reaching net zero

  • Electrification can reduce over 65% of refinery CO2 emissions by 2040 if there is sufficient low-carbon power available

  • Electric boilers and electric drives for condensing turbines are the first priority
Shipping containers moving forwards

How the shipping sector can cut CO2


  • Early pursuit of zero carbon fuels for new ships
  • Moderate uptake of interim and drop in fuels
  • Maximize decarbonization with carbon capture and alternative fuels 
Net Zero Solutions at a glance

Our impact

Oil and gas operations

of global GHG emissions
0 %

Transport sector

of transport sector CO2
0 %

Natural climate solutions

of CO2 reductions needed
0 %
See what we're doing

Read our latest progress report

Net zero solutions

Related resources

February 1, 2022

Big change is needed in the shipping industry to reach IMO emission reduction goals

September 15, 2021

Leadership to accelerate the energy transition

October 16, 2020

The feasibility study will evaluate the technical and economic challenges of capturing carbon dioxide at sea
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