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Refinery Steam System Optimization

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Key Learnings

Projects were implemented over the course of 3 years from 2018-2021.

Project Highlights

Four refinery projects were undertaken to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions

  1. Install new low temperature economizer coil to recover more steam from cogen waste heat recovery.
  2. Upgrade cogen duct burnercontrols to allow greater operational flexibility (lower minimum firing, improved burner operability).
  3. Upgrade piping and control valves to utilize low pressure steam, optimize its usage in a deaerator, and minimize steam venting.
  4. Reduce column pressure to reduce steam consumption.


  • Lower steam consumption
  • Improved steam generation
  • efficiency Fuel gas savings:
  • reduced energy usage
  • by 1-2% and 43 ktktCO2e/yr
  • reduction in GHG emissions
  • Lower energy apex


Projects were implemented over the course of 3 years from 2018-2021.