Methane Guiding Principles, in collaboration with the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership and the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, has launched the Methane Flaring Toolkit, a free-to-use resource to help reduce methane emissions from flaring.
The Methane Flaring Toolkit guides operators through the questions and options to consider when trying to reduce methane emissions from flaring. It shows how to measure flare volumes and compositions accurately and identify when a flare has a problem. It guides users through techniques for measuring combustion and destruction efficiency, and provides case studies on a range of technological solutions. Filters help operators to shortlist technologies relevant to their specific circumstances.
The toolkit, available via the World Bank’s Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership website, is the latest in a series of practical resources produced by Methane Guiding Principles and its partners to help address the issue of gas flaring, a direct source of methane emissions.
In recent years, initiatives such as the World Bank’s Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 Initiative have helped raise awareness and contributed to governments and companies making firm commitments to end routine flaring. Now oil and gas operators need measure major sources of methane emissions accurately and deploy technologies that enable them to reduce those emissions swiftly.