New tool assesses economic impact of CCUS projects
OGCI has launched a new online tool designed to assess the socio-economic impact of carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) projects on employment and Gross Value Added (GVA) to the UK economy.
Global CO2 storage catalogue updated
OGCI, the Global CCS Institute, the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers and Halliburton have released the fourth update of the CO2 Storage Resource Catalogue. The update brings the total number of carbon dioxide storage resource sites evaluated to 1272 across 54 countries, highlighting the potential of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in mitigating climate change.
OGCI, BCG report identifies opportunities to spur growth in market to use captured CO2
Carbon dioxide captured from industrial facilities, power generation and natural gas processing could be converted for use in construction aggregates, CO2-cured concrete and in some e-fuels, a joint study published today from the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) said.
CCUS hubs can help decarbonize Brazil’s industry and support country’s net zero goals – OGCI report
Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) could help Brazil’s industrial sector decarbonize – supporting the country’s net zero ambitions while adding billions of dollars to the economy and thousands of new jobs, the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative said in a new study published today.
OGCI updates CCUS Hub Playbook and expands access to help accelerate industrial decarbonization
The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative has updated the CCUS Hub Playbook, a step-by-step guide for regulators, emitters, and carbon transport and storage operators who want to build on the experience of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) hubs already in advanced development.
OGCI, Stena Bulk, GCMD project gets go-ahead to use carbon capture on oil tanker
A consortium of global shipping organizations and OGCI have received approval in principle from the American Bureau of Shipping to use a carbon capture system onboard an oil tanker.
Project to demonstrate end-to-end shipboard carbon capture
The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, OGCI and Stena Bulk initiated the first stage of a project to demonstrate shipboard carbon capture at scale.
Study on carbon storage units and obligations under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
The study analyzes the potential for new mechanisms to incentivize the geological storage of carbon dioxide through international cooperation in the context of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
White Paper study shows that CCUS deployment in GCC countries could unlock significant economic potential in the region
The study explores the potential of CCUS as a cost-effective decarbonization solution for GCC countries.
OGCI launches The CCUS Hub platform to share learnings and identify new hubs
The web-based platform is designed to support regulators, emitters and potential hub developers interested in setting up CCUS hubs globally.