OGCI’s Position Papers

OGCI Position Papers graphic
OGCI Position Papers graphic

Advocating for policies and regulations that support climate action

OGCI Position Paper

OGCI focuses on practical actions to address the climate challenge. We recognize, however, that well-designed policies and regulations are important tools to facilitate impactful mitigation actions and efforts, as well as means of implementation and support. This is especially important as countries revisit their national determined contributions and prepare for the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow in November 2021.

That is why we are embracing a more proactive approach to advocacy in key areas that support climate action. Our first Position Papers focus on our priority collaboration areas. They cover policy mechanisms and regulations to support methane emissions reduction, accelerate the deployment of carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS) and facilitate the use of high-quality Natural Climate Solutions (NCS).

OGCI’s advocacy practices are guided by a set of principles. Our advocacy is action-led, based on positions that are defined and agreed by consensus, and with a deep understanding of the specific issue and of relevant stakeholder interests.

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